Cloud gaming contract from the perspective of private international law
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digital distribution
computer games
cloud gaming
private international law

How to Cite

Czerwiński, M. (2023). Cloud gaming contract from the perspective of private international law. Zeszyt Prawniczy UAM, (13), 19–29.


The subject of this article are considerations on cloud gaming from the perspective of private international law. Definition and essence of cloud gaming service were discussed, as well as the reasons for its growing popularity. Author determines the place of performance of the contract, national jurisdiction and law applicable
to the contract of cloud gaming services, using the achievements of the doctrine in the field of international law and cloud-based services due to the similar nature of these services. EU legal acts regulating the international legal aspects of contracts for the provision of services were analysed. Author defines the place of performance of the contract for the sale of a digital copy of a computer game sold in cloud distribution.
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