The Two Winged Truth in The Wild Duck: Plato, Ibsen, and Krleža
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Tomljenović, A. . (2021). The Two Winged Truth in The Wild Duck: Plato, Ibsen, and Krleža. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (20), 215–235.


Questioning the commonly held assumption in critical reception that Ibsenʼs symbol of the wild duck was influenced by Darwinʼs theory, I want to argue that the wild duck flew into Ibsenʼs play all the way from Platoʼs aporetic dialogue The Theaetetus. Following Lacanʼs reading of Plato, I want to examine the connection between the Socratic position towards knowledge – especially the rupture between knowledge and truth – and the treatment of dramatic dialogue in Ibsenʼs The Wild Duck and Krležaʼs The Glembays.
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