Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Major guidelines for editing manuscripts for submission to “Biblioteka”
- The manuscript should be submitted by the corresponding author electronically via the PRESSto platform.
- Authors are expected to provide the editor with their ORCID number, if available, and e-mail address is compulsory for the corresponding author (preferably the institutional e-mail address).
- Manuscripts should be written in the MS Word: font size – 12 points, with 1.5 spacing and justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified. Do not include dashes in article titles. Longer citations are to be highlighted in an autonomous and re-entered paragraph with spacing above and below and with lower font-size. Italics should be used for all referenced titles of works – both literary and research works, no quotation marks. Each subtitle or subheading should be written with a font larger by 1 point and in bold. All calculations should be clearly highlighted and enumerated with Arabic numerals: 1), 2), etc. Any redundant enrichments to the text, such as frames, italic script, or marginal glosses, colour highlighting or special backgrounds, etc. should be avoided. The length of the article should not exceed one publisher’s sheet (c. twenty one A4 pages).
- Manuscripts for the section ”Articles” should be accompanied by an abstract in Polish and English. Write a clear and well-structured abstract summarising your study’s main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in no more than 250 words, with key words included.
- Images, photos, graphs and other supplementary materials submitted with a manuscript (each component in a separate file) should be comprehensively described depending on the specificity of the illustrative material (title, information on the source – author’s or photographer’s name, internet address and site from which a given illustration has been taken). Illustrations and photos should be separately uploaded in graphic files in the JPG, TIFF or PDF format (uncompressed), and should be rendered with at least 300 dpi, whereas graphs are to be uploaded in Excel files. Authors should also specify the location in the text where they want to paste illustrations, graphs, figures or photos.
- All tables should be prepared in line with the MS Word standard formatting specifications and with titles and information on the source provided. Do not use colour highlighting.
- It is expected that reviews are preceded with comprehensible bibliographic descriptions of the reviewed work. The description should include all necessary components: name and surname of the author, full title, name of the translator, if applicable (in the case of texts translated into the Polish language), name(s) of the editor/editors in the case of works by multiple authors, full name of the publisher, place of publication, the number of pages, and the ISBN number. Avoid footnotes in reviews. It is also enough for the pages from which citations or issues that are discussed more thoroughly are taken to be marked by brackets, so that the accuracy of the text could not be disputed.
- Footnotes or endnotes? Explanatory footnotes apply. Notes should appear as footnotes at the bottom of each page. Bibliographical descriptions (records) of cited works or works that are quoted should be shortened, i.e. should include the following components: the first letter of author’s first name, surname, title (in italics), place of publication, year of publication, the page number from which a given citation is given, or pages on which the problems raised by the author are discussed. In collective works (multiple authors), the name of the editor (editors) should be given; for works that have been translated from other languages, the name of the translator. Individual components of the description should be divided by commas. Succeeding references to the same cited work should be marked by the abbreviation: op. cit. (without shortened title with ellipsis), with the pages referred to clearly indicated, provided that it is clear from the text which work is referred to. Otherwise, a title shortened to two words followed by an ellipsis should be given. Descriptions of a number of works to which the author refers in one footnote are to be divided by semicolons. If the author repeatedly refers to a specific text, one footnote will do, provided a precise bibliographic address is given and an accompanying note stating that all citations come from the same publication is provided, with the page indicated between brackets. Consequently, this page number from which the cited section is given can be then added directly to the text every time it is needed. Internet citations need to be given full URL address and the retrieval date when the site was personally viewed.
- Manuscripts submitted to ”Biblioteka” need to have a reference list. The list should include descriptions of all works cited in the main body of text (it is obligatory to provide the name of the publisher). Please note: it is necessary to check whether the cited publication has a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier), and if so, to include it at the end of the bibliographic record.
- Manuscripts are welcome until the submission deadline at the end of May each year. The Editorial office expects authors to send a cover letter with a short biographical note that would include the author’s affiliation, titles and degrees, and brief information on the research interests and participation in research projects (no more than 150 words).
Copyright Notice
Utwory opublikowane w czasopiśmie Biblioteka, na platformie Pressto należącej do Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu od 2015 roku są udostępniane na
licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
![Licencja Creative Commons](
Tym samym wszyscy zainteresowani są uprawnieni do korzystania z utworów opublikowanych po 2015 roku pod następującymi warunkami:
- uznania autorstwa czyli obowiązek podania wraz z rozpowszechnianym utworem informacji o autorstwie, tytule, źródle (odnośniki do oryginalnego utworu, doi) oraz samej licencji
- na tych samych warunkach — remiksując utwór, przetwarzając go lub tworząc na jego podstawie, należy swoje dzieło rozpowszechniać na , co oryginał.
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu zachowuje prawo do czasopisma jako całości (układ, forma graficzna, tytuł, projekt okładki, logo itp.).
Autor zachowuje prawa majątkowe, ale udziela zgody Uniwersytetowi im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu na wykorzystanie dzieła. Autorzy tekstów zakwalifikowanych do publikacji proszeni są o wypełnienie podpisanie i przesłanie umowy.
Jeżeli autor artykułu nie jest przekonany, że może wykorzystywać cudze utwory (np. ilustracje, fotografie, tabele) w ramach cytatu we własnej tekście musi dostarczyć do redakcji czasopisma zgodę od uprawnionych podmiotów.
Prawa są zastrzeżone do wszystkich tekstów opublikowanych przed rokiem 2015.
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