Standards for assessing research data repositories: an overview of available and applicable certification systems for trustworthy repositories
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research data repository
standard for assessing repositories
certification of trustworthiness of digital repositories
ISO 16363
nestor Seal DIN31644

How to Cite

Adamiec, A. (2024). Standards for assessing research data repositories: an overview of available and applicable certification systems for trustworthy repositories. Biblioteka, (28 (37), 235–251.

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Number of downloads: 13


Purpose/Thesis: The amount of digital research data is constantly growing worldwide, and the need to store and share it in a secure environment is becoming apparent. Online platforms called repositories are a widely recognized place to collect research results. From the point of view of the long-term security of the data deposited in them, it is important that repositories meet generally accepted standards, so that they can be counted among the ‘trusted repositories’. In addition, providing open access to or at least storing research data in so-called trusted repositories is becoming one of the requirements for proper accounting of scientific research projects. The purpose of this article is to present the result of a review of tools for obtaining certification that confirms the trustworthiness of research data repositories. Certificates which formed the basis for the development of the 2010 Memorandum of Understanding were selected (including the necessary update). The number of institutions and their repositories with a current certificate awarded was also checked. Approach/Methods: The study applied the method of critical analysis of documentation using normative and informative materials found on the websites of entities that audit and certify digital repositories. Results and conclusions: Research has shown that, as of now, only about 4% of repositories registered with the international registry of research data repositories have at least one current widely recognized certificate. Factors discouraging people from applying for a prestigious certificate may be its price and the lengthy process of evaluating and verifying an application.
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