Fragment of a Carolingian manuscript containing Smaragdus of Saint‑Mihiel’s Liber in partibus Donati found in the University Library in Poznań


Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel
Latin grammar
9th century
Carolingian minuscule
early printed books

How to Cite

Łukaszewski, J. (2024). Fragment of a Carolingian manuscript containing Smaragdus of Saint‑Mihiel’s Liber in partibus Donati found in the University Library in Poznań. Biblioteka, (28 (37), 11–37.

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In 2018, a fragment of a manuscript written in Carolingian minuscule was found during research on reused materials in bindings in the Early Printed Books Collection of the University Library in Poznań. The fragment had been used as the back endsheet in the binding of Hieronymus Dungresheim’s Conclusiones cum rationibus ad partes summe theologice […] Thome Aquinatis, Leipzig: W. Stöckel, 1516 (shelfmark SD 734 II). The manuscript contained the text of Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel’s Liber in partibus Donati. The fragment was given the shelfmark Rkp 8060. Article’s objectives: to indicate this text’s meaning within the manuscript tradition relating to Liber in partibus Donati, to provide a codicological and palaeographical description of the find, and to explain how the item found its way to Poznań. Methods: content analysis and collation of the text with a critical edition (Smaragdus. Liber in partibus Donati, eds. B. Löfsted, L. Holtz, A. Kibre†, CCCM, vol. 68, Turnhout 1986); codicological and palaeographical analyses of the manuscript fragment; tegumentological analysis of the binding of the volume in which the manuscript was reused; and research into the provenance of the volume. Conclusions: The text on the found fragment is closest to the tradition transmitted by the manuscript Paris BNF lat. 6400B. The parchment was arranged and prepared for inscription in insular style, but palaeographical analysis indicates that the fragment was inscribed in continental Carolingian minuscule, presumably in one of the centres for writing in the north-western part of the Frankish kingdom (Neustria, Orléans-Fleury region?). The manuscript can be dated to the mid-9th century. The binding of the volume in which the fragment was found was made in one of the bookbinding workshops in Erfurt around 1518.


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