A mysterious musical manuscript PL-Pu Rpm7642 and the list of Jesuit musicians from the first half of the 18th century
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University Library in Poznań
musical culture of the 17th and 18th centuries
musical manuscripts
Jesuit music boarding schools

How to Cite

Walter-Mazur, M. (2024). A mysterious musical manuscript PL-Pu Rpm7642 and the list of Jesuit musicians from the first half of the 18th century. Biblioteka, (28 (37), 111–122. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2024.28.5

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Aims and objectives: Identifying the content of the manuscript (repertoire, provenance, dating; information value in the context of the history of polish musical culture). List of musicians: trace the origin and identification of musicians. Methods: methods of external and internal criticism of a musical source, historical methods. Results and conclusion: Determination that the manuscript PL-Pu Rpm7642 consists of fragments of eight other manuscripts, created in at least three different musical centers, and approximate determination of their repertoire. Indication of the reason for such unusual content: connection with the activities of prof. Adolf Chybiński, most likely the previous owner of the manuscript. Identification of the list of musicians as coming from the Cracow Jesuit music dormitory, dated 1735; in addition to musicians known from other sources, the examined manuscript brings information about four new musicians and supplements data about six previously recorded ones.

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Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu NPRH „Słownik muzyków Rzeczpospolitej XVIII wieku” (kierownik: dr hab. prof. UW Irena Bieńkowska).


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