Some remarks on the manuscripts and old prints of Poznań provenance in the collection of the University Library in Uppsala
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Poznań-based monastery
priory and convent libraries in the 17th c.
book collection of the Jesuits Collegium in Poznań
the Bernardines
the Dominicans
University Library in Uppsala
Swedish plunder of book collections in the 17th c.

How to Cite

Szulc, A., & Wilgosiewicz-Skutecka, R. (2014). Some remarks on the manuscripts and old prints of Poznań provenance in the collection of the University Library in Uppsala. Biblioteka, (18(27), 7–32.

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The present article aims at presenting a concise overview of the results of an initial search query and investigation carried out at the University Library in Uppsala between May 14–18, 2012. Its main goal was to get acquainted with the oldest part the library’s book collection in view of manuscripts and old books that came into possession of the library as spoils of war after they had been looted in Poznań-based libraries of the Jesuits, the Bernardines and the Dominicans in 1656. The introductory part of the article provides an outline of the history of the lootings by the Swedish armies of book collections in the seventeenth century, attempts at the restitution of the materials by the authorities of the Republic of Poland and the research on the Polish book collections currently held in Sweden that has been going on since the nineteenth century. The source base for the query was the unpublished bibliographical notes written by the Polish linguist, bibliographer of the material concerning Poland or Polish affairs kept in Sweden, and a long-term professor of the Uppsala University, Józef Trypućko (1910–1983) currently held in the archive material of the University Library in Poznań. The above material, the result of Trypućko’s investigations on the resources of Carolina Rediviva, contains valuable information concerning old prints and manuscripts of Poznań provenience. Regrettably, the collections from Greater Poland that are currently held in Uppsala have not been yet properly researched and no all-inclusive study has been published. The present article attempts to provide tentative directions in future studies on the subject along with appropriate relevant methodology.
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