Manuscript template

The reviewing process

Each manuscript submitted to the journal will be thoroughly peer-reviewed before publication by two or three independent reviewers. The evaluation of each accepted article is done by reviewers who are not associated with the University Library and, in most cases, not affiliated with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

All submitted manuscripts undergo a peer review process before publication. Manuscripts should meet the professional standards of academic journals, make a significant contribution in fact or interpretation of the problems and issues of modern librarianship, bibliology, research information and documentation as well as media studies, local studies, but also history of libraries, books, and library collections. The journal also presents the most interesting libraries and solutions used in research librarianship home and abroad.   

The review process is conducted in a double blind review process, where the identity of authors and reviewers are concealed.

The review is in written form and includes an unambiguous recommendation of the reviewer to publish the text, improve its quality and the scientific value, or to reject it.

The names of the reviewers are added to the list of reviewers published on the web page of the journal after the manuscript has been typeset for print.

Reviewer's form