Pomacy – bułgarscy poturczeńcy (na przykładzie wsi Selcza w zachodnich Rodopach)

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dzieje poturczonych Bułgarów

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Walczak-Mikołajczakowa, M. (2014). Pomacy – bułgarscy poturczeńcy (na przykładzie wsi Selcza w zachodnich Rodopach). Balcanica Posnaniensia Acta Et Studia, 21, 177–184. https://doi.org/10.14746/bp.2014.21.12


The Selcha village, situated at the Smolian District, inhabited by Pomaks, a specific ethnos, created itself after acceptance of Islam, most likely at the turn of XVI and XVII century. Currently, this large village once (about 2 thousands inhabitants in the mid-twentieth century) shares the fate of others, ‘ageing”and ‘moribund’ village communities in Bulgaria. Author tries to recreate a complicated history of this village, in order to analyse the reasons of gradual atheisation. The author discusses the problem of the simultaneous attachment to some traditions and giving up on other traditions on the basis of the stories of inhabitants stories, legends stored in their memories and well-retained documents. All of this become a pretext to discuss (from the sociological perspective) a change of the type of husbandry and the political decisions made during the parliament elections.


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