FL learners in late adulthood: A report of seniors’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom context
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willingness to communicate
learning English

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Borkowska, A. (2023). FL learners in late adulthood: A report of seniors’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom context. Glottodidactica, 50(2), 7–27. https://doi.org/10.14746/gl.2023.50.2.1


The article aims to examine older learners’ points of view concerning their in-class will- ingness to communicate (WTC) in English and to identify their expectations regarding an English teacher. The instrument was a questionnaire that comprised – among others – of questions referring to variables that could exert an impact on third-agers’ WTC in English in class. The factors which were used as options in the closed and open-ended questions in the study had been identified by the third agers as the ones that positively or negatively shaped their in-class WTC in an earlier piece of qualitative research (Borkowska 2021a). The data analysis revealed that the informants (63 older participants) reported an eagerness to communicate in English, and they perceived speaking with the teacher as the most motivating type of interaction. The most crucial components of language instruction that boosted older adults’ WTC was gentle error correction, a friendly atmosphere, and teacher support that seemed to have a positive effect on their lower self-esteem. Similarly, an empathetic and patient instructor could be of great help in diminishing seniors’ self-depreciating views. In contrast, negative teacher attributes (e.g., anxiety, criticism) could lead to inhibiting the older participants’ WTC and active involvement during English classes.

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