Czym jest pejzaż językowy (linguistic landscape)?

Jak cytować

Góral, B. (2011). Czym jest pejzaż językowy (linguistic landscape)?. Investigationes Linguisticae, 24, 41–60.

Liczba wyświetleń: 1918

Liczba pobrań: 1464


The language that is present in our environment, words and images displayed and exposed in public spaces are the interest of a relatively recent and rapidly growing study referred to as linguistic landscape (LL). The highest density of signs can be found in cities, especially in the main shopping streets and industrial areas. The study of LL can provide important insights on phenomena which occur in the cities, it can reflect language tendencies and social relations. Hence, the analysis of LL adresses the issues of multilingualism, language policy, cultural diversity and language contacts. It also strongly relates to national identity, globalisation and the spread of English.


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