Basic contradictions of the higher education subsumed under capital. Towards systematic approach
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the common
higher education
the public
the private

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Szadkowski, K. (2015). Basic contradictions of the higher education subsumed under capital. Towards systematic approach. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(46), 161–182.


This theoretical article explores four main contradictions of the contemporary higher education subsumed under capital. It does so basing on author's previous research results and with the use of general Marxian and Autonomist Marxist theoretical frameworks developed by authors like Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri and Gigi Roggero, and applied recently to critical higher education research. The contradictions are divided into two main categories: the apparent contradictions (the public vs. the private; academic oligarchy vs. capital) and the real contradictions (corrupted form of the common vs. the common; the common vs. capital). They are discussed respectively with reference to contemporary higher education reality. The final part of the article shortly discusses the already existing preconditions for establishing of a post-capitalist university regulated according to the logic of the common.
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Projekt badawczy „Europejskie uniwersytety flagowe

w poszukiwaniu równowagi między doskonałością akademicką a zobowiązaniami wobec społeczeństwa i gospodarki (FLAGSHIP)” finansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (UMO-2013/10/M/HS6/00561).


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