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Lajos Grendel
Central Europe
Hungarian minority
systemic transformation

How to Cite

Gizińska, C. (2014). “ABSURDIST” WORLD IN THE SERIES OF NOVELS BY LAJOS GRENDEL NEW HONT. Porównania, 14, 59–69. https://doi.org/10.14746/p.2014.14.10951


The theme of the paper is the world of selected novels written during the transition by Lajos
Grendel, the Hungarian writer from Slovakia (Tömegsír 1999, Nálunk, New Hontban 2001, Mátyás
király New Hontban 2005). These positions can be considered in a broad sense as a trilogy taking
place in the same fictional town of New Hont and its environs. The author sets the multi-ethnic
Central European reality of the period after the regime change in such “absurdist” scenery and
points to the irrational and insane logic of the world hitting the margins of history. Grendel
outlines the skyline of the national identity and self-esteem disorders, economic mess and
political chaos consciously looking at the same time for the most authentic style, language and
absurdist literature genres.

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