Hagyjátok Robinsont! The hungarian-cuban interpretation of Daniel Defoe’s novel and other film adaptations of Robinson Crusoe
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Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe
Hungarian cinematography
history of the cinema

How to Cite

Bubak, G. . (2019). Hagyjátok Robinsont! The hungarian-cuban interpretation of Daniel Defoe’s novel and other film adaptations of Robinson Crusoe. Porównania, 25(2), 127–141. https://doi.org/10.14746/por.2019.2.8


The story of Robinson Crusoe has been told many times in the film, sometimes with faithfulness to the literary original, more often with numerous deviations and more or less ingenious variants. The creators of various ranks and authority inscribed the hero’s adventures in numerous genre schemes, ranging - in the most natural way - from adventure film to comedy and science fiction. It was Daniel Deofe’s story that provided the inspiration rather than the prototype of his hero – Alexander Selkirk. Interestingly, far-reaching transcripts of Robinson’s adventures already appeared in the 1930s. Little is known about what had happened before. The movies about which any information can be found are usually considered missing. In the paper, I write about the Hungarian-Cuban version of the adventures of Robinson Crusoe and about other films that could have been to some extent an inspiration for director Péter Tímár.

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Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Przeł. Władysław Ludwik Anczyc. Warszawa: Siedmioróg, 2009.

Györffy, Miklós. A tizedik évtized, A magyar játékfilm a kilencvenes években és más tanulmányok. Budapeszt: Palatinus, 2001.

Karinthy, Frigyes. “Robinson Krausz. De Foe nyomán átdolgozva”. Karinthy Frigyes: ĺgy írtok ti I-II. Budapeszt: Szépiradolmi Könykiadó, 1979. S. 22-43.

Kelecsényi, László. A magyar hangosfilm hét évtizede 1931-2000. Budapeszt: Palatinus, 2003.

Koltai, Ágnes. “Hagyjátok Robinsont!”. Filmvilág 2 (1990). S. 2-14.

Robertson, Patrick. Guinnessa Księga Filmu. Przeł. Małgorzata Tyszowiecka. Warszawa: PWN, 1994.

Tournier, Michael. Piętaszek czyli Otchłanie Pacyfiku. Warszawa: PIW, 1997.

Varga Balázs, red. Magyar filmográfia. Játékfilmek 1931-1998. Budapeszt: Magyar Filmintézet, 1999.

Wilson, Rick. The Man Who Was Robinson Crusoe: A Personal View of Alexander Selkirk, Glasgow: Neil Wilson Publishing, 2009.


Ein Robinson. Reż. Arnold Franck. Bavaria-Filmkunst, 1940.

Erotyczne przygody Robinsona (The Erotic Adventures of Robinson Crusoe). Reż. Ken Dixon. Light & Shadow Productions, 1975.

Marsjanin. (The Martian). Reż Ridley Scott. Twentieth Century Fox, 2015.

Miss Robin Crusoe. Reż. Eugene Frenke. Eastern Productions, 1954.

Mr. Robinson Crusoe. Reż. A. Edward Sutherland. Elton Productions, 1932.

Poza światem (Castway). Reż. Robert Zemeckis. DreamWorks SKG, 2000.

Przygody Robinsona Crusoe (Robinson Crusoe). Reż. Luis Buñuel. Producciones Tepeyac, 1954.

Robinson Crusoe. Reż. René Cardona. Avant Films S. A.,1970.

Robinson Crusoe. Reż. Rod Hardy, George Miller. Miramax, 1997.

Robinson na Marsie (Robinson Crusoe on Mars). Reż. Byron Haskin. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1964.

Robinson Crusoe na rajskiej wyspie (Lt. Robin Crusoe, U. S.N.). Reż. Byron Paul. Walt Disney Productions, 1966.

Robinson Crusoe z Clipper Island (Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island). Reż. Ray Taylor, Mark V. Wright. Republic Pictures. 1936.