Image and text in the service of the Absolute. Medieval manuscript and the idea of total work of art
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total work
south Slavic

How to Cite

Prałat, E. (2012). Image and text in the service of the Absolute. Medieval manuscript and the idea of total work of art. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (2), 261–278.


The article takes up the problem of the medieval manuscript as an example of a total work of art.  Miniature  painting  is  an  example  of  diffusional  transmittance  of  the  various  semiotic orders, which define each other and lead to the creation of a reflection of divine beauty and harmony.  The  text  also  refers  to  the  problem  of  iconoclasm.  Historical  material  from the  South  Slavic  area shows  the  art  of  cultural  borderlands,  where  elements  based  on  the principle  of  pars  pro  to to are  reflected  in  miniature  painting.  The  intersemiotic  research tradition is presented synthetically.
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