The article is concerned with the Infant Jesus cult in the life and work of Anica Bošković (1714–
–1804), one of a few Croat women authoresses of Dubrovnik in the century of Enlightenment. The Infant Jesus cult was linked in the past in Croatia with Franciscan communities, in older Polish culture, too. The family Bošković had a little figure of Infant Jesus named Bambin, beloved by all the people and famous by miracles. Anica Bošković wrote about Him many time: her deeply implanted devotion reflects in letters to her brother Ruđer, in her last will and in her poetic works, especially in Razgovor pastirski vrhu porođenja Gospodinova. Anica Bošković has conceived a preface to this work – letter dedicated to her brothers Ruđer and Baro, in which speaks about her inspirations and dreams. This work is a concept of construction of inner world of every woman who wants to love God more then other people. Poetic world of Anica Bošković reflects her faith, fantasy and it is built on hard religions and moral foundation.
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