Dialogue Document Without a Dialogue: Current Debates on World War II in Croatia


World War II
Dialogue Document
the Ustashe insignia

How to Cite

Koren, S. (2019). Dialogue Document Without a Dialogue: Current Debates on World War II in Croatia. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (16), 143–157. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2019.16.8


The article deals with the recent controversies over the interpretations of World War II. The dominant narrative of World War II, which was created after 1945 to ensure the basis of legitimacy for the Yugoslav Communist regime, was revised at the beginning of the 1990s. One of the consequences of this revision has been the upsurge of historical revisionism regarding the fascist Ustashe movement. After years of bitter debates that had divided and polarized the Croatian society, the government appointed in 2017 a special council to deal with the World War II past and make the recommendations on the public usage of the symbols and insignia of the 20th century “undemocratic regimes”. The final product of its work was the so-called Dialogue Document whose provisions and impact are dealt with in the second part of the text.


Dialogue Document: Postulates and Recommendations on Specific Normative Regulation of Symbols, Emblems and other Insignia of Totalitarian Regimes and Movements, the Council for Dealing with the Consequences of Undemocratic Regimes. (2018). https://vlada.gov.hr/UserDocsImages/Vijesti/2018/05%20svibanj/5%20svibnja/DOKUMENT%20DIJALOGA%20ENG.pdf.

Dissenting opinion on the Dialogue Document by Željko Tanjić. (2018). https://vla-da.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//Vijesti/2018/02%20veljača/28%20veljače//Mišljenje%20prof.%20dr.%20sc.%20Željka%20Tanjića.pdf.

Dissenting opinion on the Dialogue Document by Vanja Ivan Savić. (2018). https://vlada.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//Vijesti/2018/02%20veljača/28%20veljače//Dopunsko%20mišljenje%20doc.%20dr.%20sc.%20Vanja-Ivan%20Savić.pdf.

Dissenting opinion on the Dialogue Document by Aleksandar Jakir. (2018). https://vlada.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//Vijesti/2018/02%20veljača/28%20veljače//Mišl-jenje%20prof.%20dr.%20sc.%20Aleksandar%20Jakir.pdf.

Dissenting opinion on the Dialogue Document by Mladen Ančić, Nataša Jovičić, Ivo Lučin, Ante Nazor, and Nevio Šetić. (2018). https://vlada.gov.hr/UserDocsImages//Vijesti/2018/02%20veljača/28%20veljače//Mišljenja%20prof.%20dr.%20sc.%20Mladena%20Ančića,%20Nataše%20Jovičić,%20dr.%20sc.%20Ive%20Luči-ća,%20doc.%20dr.%20sc.%20Ante%20Nazora%20i%20prof.%20dr.%20sc.%20Nevija%20Šetića.pdf.

European Parliament resolution of 2 April 2009 on European conscience and totalitarianism. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2009-0213+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN.

The Croatian Constitution. (2010). “Narodne novine: službeni list RH” no. 85/2010. https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2010_07_85_2422.html.

The decision on establishing the Council for Dealing with the Consequences of Undemocratic Regimes. (2017). https://vlada.gov.hr/UserDocsImages/Vijesti/2018/02%20veljača/28%20veljače/Odluka%20o%20osnivanju%20i%20članovi.pdf.

The Penal Code. (2011). “Narodne novine: službeni list RH” 125/11, 144/12. https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2011_11_125_2498.html.