In the Wave of Changes... Baroque Influences and Serbian Literature in the 18th Century
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Polish-Ukrainian-Russian contexts
Serbian literature
metaphysical poetry
Baroque era

How to Cite

Lis-Wielgosz, I. (2024). In the Wave of Changes. Baroque Influences and Serbian Literature in the 18th Century. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (26), 483–497.


This article is a review of Justyna Romanowska’s study entitled The Polish-UkrainianRussian Contexts of Metaphysical Poetry of Serbian Baroque (published by Scriptum, Kraków, 2022). This book focuses on the influences of Polish-Ukrainian-Russian poetical strategies, contexts and patterns on Serbian metaphysical poetry in the 18th century . Justyna Romanowska’s study is a part of the discussion on the developmental process of Serbian literature, as well as the long debate on the existence of the Baroque era in Serbian literature.
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