Spelling is not just a problem for students, it is also a serious political issue. This especially concerns the time when the standard literary languages are formed. The problem of spelling also appears when there are important social changes, revolutions, wars, and a change of political system. One introduces spelling democratization for all members of the community or, conversely, spelling becomes an elite, intended for a narrow audience. The article presents the problem of spelling in Poland and Czech (Bohemia) in the 19th century and nowadays.
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Jamek V., O patřičnosti v jazyce, Praha 1998.
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Mochnacki M., Powstanie narodu polskiego w r. 1830 i 1831, t. II, Wrocław 1850.
Słownik terminów literackich, red. M. Głowiński, T. Kostkiewicz,
A. Okopień--Sławińska, J. Sławiński, Wrocław 2008.
http://www.rjp.pan.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73:pisownia-qnieq-z-imiesowami-przymiotnikowymi&catid=43:uchway-ortograficzne&Itemid=59 / dostęp: 20.10.2010
http://aktualne.centrum.cz/blogy-a-nazory/zpravy-o-pate/clanek.phtml?id=675241 / dostęp: 20.10.2010
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