Usporedba „Slavonske šume” Josipa Kozarca i Adolfa Waldingera
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Bilić, A. (2012). Usporedba „Slavonske šume” Josipa Kozarca i Adolfa Waldingera. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (2), 19–40.


In  this  article  we  shall  compare  the  literary  work  Slavonian  forest  by  Josip  Kozarac  with Adolf  Waldinger’s  oil  painting  Slavonian  forest,  including  his  drawings  and  pictures  of a  Slavonian  forest  and  forest  details.  Comparison  is  made  primarily  on  the  basis  of  their resemblance. Not only do both of these works have the same inspiration and structure, but in terms of content they also elaborate the motifs andthemes of the forest landscape, leaning toward realistic formation, and both represent works of anthological value. In other words, Waldinger’s  Slavonian  forest  is  one  of  his  best  works  and  an  excellent  work  in  the  field of  Croatian  forest  painting,  while  Kozarac’s  work  finds  itself  at  the  anthological  peak  of Croatian descriptive literature.
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