Интердискурзивни варијации: односот книжевност – теорија
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Ѓорѓиева Димова, М. (2012). Интердискурзивни варијации: односот книжевност – теорија. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (2), 155–168. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2012.2.7


The subject of this paper is the theoretical fiction genre as a manifestation of interdiscursive relations between fiction and theory/criticism. Firstly, this paper offers a brief overview of the  constitutive features  of  the  theoretical  fiction  genre;  and  secondly,  these  features  are interpretatively confirmed through the novel  Papokot na svetot (Navel of the World) by the Macedonian writer, Venko Andonovski. 

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