Магија речи у приповеци Момчила Настасијевића Запис о даровима моје рођаке Марије
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Momčilo Nastasijević
magic of words
depth psychology
Christ the Savior
second coming

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Жижовић, О. (2013). Магија речи у приповеци Момчила Настасијевића Запис о даровима моје рођаке Марије. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (4), 221–236. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2013.4.16


Interpretation of Momčilo Nastasijević’s narrative „An Account of the Gifts of my Cousin Marija” indicated  the  significance  of  the  storyteller’s  belief  in  the  magic  of  words  and  in calamitous effect of words on destiny – not only his own destiny, but also that of his cousin Marija.  Except  the power  of  words  –  curse,  and  magic  belief  in  it,  important  part  in  the events is also played by disrespect for somebody else’s word (intensified by the fact that it is the last will of a dying person), as well as by breaking of one’s word (false oath), which also turns to be fatal. Destiny of Marija and that of her cousin is viewed from the perspective of depth  psychology,  as  well  as  her  confronting individual  and  collective  Shadow,  and  his temporary  state  of  being  overwhelmed,  and  later permanently  engulfed  by  unconscious contents and family Shadow. While Marija comprehends evil in herself and in the world, and through  agony  and  suffering  reveals  her  light  side, and experiences  enlightenment,  her cousin, having heard her story, begins to identify  himself with dead Marija, failing to face these  contents  or  fight  them  creatively.  Marija  has „light  in  her  life”  while expecting  the second coming of Christ – coming of the Word, Logos, that will set the world free, so she spends  her  life  doing  embroidery,  in  order  to  fulfill  the  Word  –  what  was  foretold  and announced (spoken and written). Unlike her, under the pressure of his cognition, her cousin falls silent, wishing only for death, which is the only one, he believes, that can untie the knot of his suffering. Still, in order to die peacefully, actually to be able to die at all, near the end of  his  life  he will  be  compelled  to  speak,  meaning  to  write  down  the  narrative  about  his cousin and himself, in order for the „knot of suffering” to be resolved by words, meaning, by the very concept that tied it in the first place. 

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