Plakat polityczny w chorwackiej ikonosferze

Słowa kluczowe

art of margins
political poster
Croatian iconography
visual culture
anthropology of picture
montage of pictures

Jak cytować

Darasz, Z. (2020). Plakat polityczny w chorwackiej ikonosferze . Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (18), 283–289.


The titular problem of Croatian political poster, regarded as an art of margins, is treated by the author, according to the order of chapters, in four main aspects: historical, aesthetic, socio-political, and cultural one. The development of poster art, correlated with national history in 19th and 20th century Croatia, is presented in the chapter “In the vapour of history”. In the next chapters some particular sections of the searching field are described. These sections are as follows: technique of montage of the pictures, modern iconoclastic practices, chaos vs. order, and the place (“From margin to centre”).


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