Women and the Canon. Are We Justified to Speak of a Female Literary Canon Nowadays?
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women’s literature
women’s literary canon
female writing
Bulgarian literature
alternative canon
feminist criticism

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Kirova, M. (2017). Women and the Canon. Are We Justified to Speak of a Female Literary Canon Nowadays?. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (11), 171–187. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2016.11.12


The paper is initiated by a brief outline of the development of women’s literature in the ex-“East European” countries since 1989. Then it turns to feminist literary theory tracking two different periods of its reception by, and adaption to, literary criticism in post-communist academic research. The concepts of women’s generations and women’s literary canon, vital for the western tradition of gynocriticism, are closely analyzed in line with their relevance to present-day women’s literature in post-communist culture. The paper ends with a presentation of a threefold model of the prospective to speak of women’s literature imbedded in, or in counter stance to, the traditional literary canon.
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