Posągi jako źródła nowej epistemologii (przypadek Michela Serresa)
Okładka czasopisma Przestrzenie Teorii, nr 27, rok 2017

Jak cytować

Trzeciak, K. (2017). Posągi jako źródła nowej epistemologii (przypadek Michela Serresa). Przestrzenie Teorii, (27), 245–258. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2017.27.17


The article attempts to read the metaphor of the statue in Michel Serres’ philosophical discourse. Sculpture understood in the broad sense, as Serres proposes in Statues: The Second Book of Foundations, enables him to trace a whole array of concepts in western thought, and to make the statue itself a model of new cognition, extending beyond binary oppositions and open to unpredictability and a lack of continuity. For Serres a statue also offers the possibility to cross the boundaries of science and the humanities, and consequently to become, at the same time, both a critical and utopian figure.



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