Posągi jako źródła nowej epistemologii (przypadek Michela Serresa)

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Trzeciak, K. (2017). Posągi jako źródła nowej epistemologii (przypadek Michela Serresa). Przestrzenie Teorii, (27), 245–258. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2017.27.17


The article attempts to read the metaphor of the statue in Michel Serres’ philosophical discourse. Sculpture understood in the broad sense, as Serres proposes in Statues: The Second Book of Foundations, enables him to trace a whole array of concepts in western thought, and to make the statue itself a model of new cognition, extending beyond binary oppositions and open to unpredictability and a lack of continuity. For Serres a statue also offers the possibility to cross the boundaries of science and the humanities, and consequently to become, at the same time, both a critical and utopian figure.



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