The subject matter of the article is Gilles Deleuze’s considerations on the concept of “any-space whatever” and its application in the cinema and the theater. This space is an outcome of the sensorimotor crisis as the development of Henri Bergson’s conception of duration to determine the potential transformations of modern cinema in the post-war period. It is expressed by a potential singularity that finds its locus in pure optical and sound situations. This conception reveals the correlation between the real and virtual connections defined by a genetic sign which relies upon differentiation. As a space characterized by an affection – image is experienced from its inside to define both disjoint and empty spaces. Such affect often emerges in a range of colors to outline the places marked by emptiness. It is strictly associated with “geometrical” orientation actualizing itself via the qualisign. Thus, this article defines the space in terms of the circuit of virtuality and actuality in time-image which crystallizes both in the cinema and TV dramas of potential exhaustion of three languages in theater performances. Namely, the first one is disruptive and enumerative; the second language consists of voices and combinative flows and the third one reunites the previous ones as the language of images, sounds, and coloring which is a movement between words.
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