Witkiewiczowie w Lovranie

Słowa kluczowe

teoria Czystej Formy

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Bocheński, T. (2010). Witkiewiczowie w Lovranie. Przestrzenie Teorii, (14), 203–213. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2010.14.10


Bocheński Tomasz, Witkiewiczowie w Lovranie [The Two Witkiewiczes in Lovran]. „Przestrzenie Teorii” 14. Poznań 2010, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 203-213. ISBN 978-83-232-2210-1. ISSN 1644-6763. The essay explores a theme of differences between the two Witkiewiczes – father and son. These disparities concern lifestyle, ethics, politics and art. The father wanted his son to realize his own ideas of art. In the son’s opinion the father’s idea had failed and in turn he invented an even more radical aesthetics. Lovran is a place where the basic categories of Witkacy’s theory of Pure Form were formulated.


S.I. Witkiewicz, Listy do syna, oprac. B. Danek-Wojnowska, A. Micińska, Warszawa 1969, s. 215.

S.I. Witkiewicz, Dzieła zebrane, t. I: 622 upadki Bunga, czyli Demoniczna kobieta, oprac. A. Micińska, Warszawa 1992, s. 184-185, 193.

D. Blažina, Stanisław Witkiewicz i Lovran, [w:] Stanisław Witkiewicz u Lovranu, Zagreb 1998, s. 51.

Stanisław Witkiewicz. Człowiek – Artysta – Myśliciel, red. Z. Moździerz, Zakopane 1997, s. 228.