O teorii transkulturowej i jej implikacjach dla badań humanistycznych

Słowa kluczowe

teoria transkulturowa
badania humanistyczne
humanistyka transkulturowa
humanistyka transformatywna
Arianna Dagnino
Michail Epstein

Jak cytować

Niedziałek, E. (2016). O teorii transkulturowej i jej implikacjach dla badań humanistycznych. Przestrzenie Teorii, (25), 231–243. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2016.25.10


The article attempts to grasp the essence of transcultural theory, locate its roots and situate it within the framework of previous cultural research. This enables the influence of this theory on the projected future significance of humanistic research. The author makes use of the theoretical approaches of Arianna Dagnino and Mikhail Epstein. Although looking at this theory from
different angles, in both cases the transcultural perspective translates into a unique perception of humanities (“transcultural” or “transformative” humanities), as a field of key importance for the future of science.


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