On the existence of literary work and on existence in literary work
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literary theory

How to Cite

Wachowski, J. (2018). On the existence of literary work and on existence in literary work. Przestrzenie Teorii, (28), 79–94. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2017.28.2


The concept of existence is rooted in (at least) two traditions: philosophical and literary theory. This does not mean, however, that it means the same for both fields. The first tradition is wide ranging because it includes diverse – physical, emotional and spiritual (as well as intellectual) – aspects of being. The second tradition is narrow and it closely refers to literary output. Literary existence – which is based on physical reality – is permanently separated from it. Literature refers to the representation and imagination of the world, not to the empirical experience of physical reality. In addition, literature does not apply the categories of truth and falsehood that we know from social reality (because literary existence stands, beyond the assertion). It is also imprisoned in genology – inscribed in the genre. Literary existence has more to do with poetry, style, artistic convention than what philosophers are examining. Sometimes great literary works deal with great philosophical problems, but sometimes do not and it do not detract from their artistic nature. Both of these tradition – literary and philosophical – however, have many common places, require careful study and analysis. The article is an attempt to show these places and characterize their features.

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