This article proves the need to develop semiotics research focused on digital text, whose basic unit is the digital sign and which differs from other signs in its nature and structure. The changes that have taken place in the structure of the sign result in changes in the sphere of text and discourse. In turn, these mean that research in semiotics, stylistics, poetology, rhetoric and aesthetics (with mutual awareness of how they interact, exert an influence and interlock) cannot be credible without taking account of and updating semiotics research. The article puts forward the thesis that the development in the forms of sign-organisation of the message, new ways of using textualis, the significant contribution of representational layer in shaping textual structure and the communicative situation all lead to the crystallisation of semiopoetics. Examples of its categories and research problems are kinetic figures (adjection, reduction, permutation, transformation, atomisation); functional homonyms; new ways of versification and narration. Discovering the sphere of semiopoetics allows one not only to reflect on newly established models of semiotics, or update poetics, but also to take a new look at texts produced using past technologies and notice previously overlooked aspects.
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