The dramaturgy of art
Journal cover Przestrzenie Teorii, no. 31, year 2019
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dramaturgy of art
human and non-human actors
entangled objects

How to Cite

Krajewska, A. (2019). The dramaturgy of art. Przestrzenie Teorii, (31), 7–12.


full Professor, PhD, head of the Unit for Literary Aesthetics at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Editor-in-chief of the literary theory journal “Przestrzenie Teorii” and the Przestrzenie Teorii Library series. She deals with literary studies, especially the theory of drama, literary and performative aesthetics. Author of numerous works on the theory and aesthetics of contemporary drama, including: Komedia polska dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Tradycjonaliści i nowatorzy [Polish Comedy of the Inter-war Period. Traditionalists and Innovators] (Wrocław 1989 – 1st ed., Poznań 2004 – 2nd ed.), Dramat i teatr absurdu w Polsce [Drama and the Theatre of the Absurd in Poland] (Poznań 1996), Dramat wspołczesny.Teoria i interpretacja [Contemporary Drama. Theory and Interpretation] (Poznań 2005), Dramatyczna teoria literatury [Dramatic Literary Theory] (Poznań 2009). She is currently writing Estetyka antybinarna [Anti-binary Aesthetics]. ORCID 0000–0001–5622–0852.
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