The aim of the article is to analyse the aesthetic aspects of the reception and creation of art by people with hearing impairments. For most people, hearing loss is unimaginable and is often understood only in the context of communication problems. Meanwhile, deaf people perceive their otherness completely differently. Deafness is a total experience, affecting not only the physical aspect, but also changing the perception of reality as a whole. Divergences in the way of perceiving the world, resulting from the exclusion of one of the basic senses, are particularly visible in the field of art, especially in those areas that use sound effects. The large variety of types of deafness does not allow for broad generalizations or building some kind of universal theory of reception. Therefore, from the perspective of deaf people, contact with art is very individual and intimate, which also affects the issue of their artistic creation. The author of the article touches upon the problem of the visuality of sign language and its artistic possibilities. She analyses the perception preferences of people with hearing impairments, exposing the issue of polysensory perception, and presents the most interesting artistic projects created both by the deaf and those that allow to build multidirectional relations between the parallel worlds of the deaf and hearing people.References
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