This article presents the essays and poems of Aleksandra Olędzka-Frybesowa, who was a renowned translator from French and also English. In her essays, Olędzka-Frybesowa specialises in the Romanesque and Gothic architecture and sculpture of Western Europe as well as European painting from Medieval Ages onwards. She is also familiar with the art of South-East Europe. Her essays cover literary criticism devoted especially to poetry, with a particular interest in French and mystical poetry, as well as haiku, which was also her own artistic activity. The author of this article analyses Olędzka-Frybesowa’s ten volumes of poems, which follow a thematic pattern, especially the theme of wind (air). The analysis provides various insights into a variety of functions of this particular theme, from reality-based meanings to mystical and ethical features. This variety of funtions of the wind theme is supported by a particular melody of the poem and its abundant use of metaphors.References
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