Carnal hermeneutics shows that pre-thematic bodily hermeneutics can complement cognitive hermeneutics. The thematization of sacramental imagination is an essential part of such an approach. Carnal hermeneutics finds new ways of showing how imagination inhabits our bodies and reflects on the emancipatory possibilities that are hidden in the process of maintaining and crossing the various boundaries that constitute our identity. Carnal reading is both reception and creation, i.e., it is not a reading into something but a reading from something. The act of interpreting Paul Celan’s Tenebrae is an exercise in a diacritical hermeneutics of communion and prayer, which contributes to the self-awakening of existence by elucidating the fundamental structures of our understanding of being.References
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H.-G. Gadamer, Truth and Method, 2nd rev. ed., trans. J. Weinsheimer, D.G. Marshall, New York 2004, s. 136.
P. Celan, Tenebrae, [w:] tenże, Gesammelte Werke, vol. 1, ed. B. Allemann, S. Reichert, Frankfurt am Main 1983, s. 163.
Th.W. Adorno, Prismen. Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft, München 1963, s. 26.
R.L. Rubinstein, After Auschwitz: Radical Theology and Contemporary Judaism,
Indianapolis 1966
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B. Petersen, Theologie nach Auschwitz?: Jüdische und christliche Versuche einer Antwort, Berlin 1996; Als Gott weinte: Theologie nach Auschwitz, hrsg. M. Görg, M. Langer, Regensburg 1997.
Christologie nach Auschwitz, hrsg. J.B. Metz, J. Manemann, Münster 2001.
H. Weinrich, Befangenheit vor Paul Celan: Der Poet des Schweigens und die Beredsamkeit seiner Interpreten, „Die Zeit”, 23.07.1976, s. 38.
M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, Tübingen 1993, s. 38.
List papieża Benedykta XVI do arcybiskupa Freiburga Roberta Zollitscha, <http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_x vi/letters/2012/documents/hf_ben-xvi_let_20120414_zollitsch_ge.html>, dostęp: 9.07.2014.
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