The concept of a performative body is rooted in two traditions. The first tradition concerns actions, and therefore, it is wide-ranging (because it includes diverse social acts). The second tradition is narrow – it is closely linked to the effectiveness of actions and allows one to distinguish between reversible actions (the effects of which can be reversed) and irreversible ones (the effects of which are permanent). Both of these understandings, which were popularized, or developed, by John Loxley and John Austin, have become a source of reflection for researchers such as Shaun Gallagher, Donald Davidson and Jennifer Hornsby, among others. Their works encourage deeper thought on the properties of action itself and also make it possible to overcome Austin’s reductionism and describe (based on inspiration from Karl Raimund Popper’s work) the three main levels of a body’s performativity: the physical, emotive, and cognitive level.References
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