The author analyzes the works of Patricia Piccinini (sculpture), Shaun Tan (literature) and Joon-ho Bong (film) in terms of the post-humanist idea of interspecies familiarity. The text begins with an explanation of the term Kinship, and then indicates to what extent post-humanism extends its scope and describes the emotional ties between human and other-than-human members of the household. The author presents this kind of post-humanist, multi-genre family life in three different versions: in the field of visual arts, these will be works from the Welcome Guest, and Families of the Future by Piccinini, in the field of the literature – Tan’s Tales from the Inner City, and the film representation – Okja by Bong. Although each of these works brings out slightly different aspects and contexts of the post-humanist vision of the concept of Kinship, they share an openness to what is other-than-human, combined with care and tenderness.
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Nordquist R., Definition of Kinship Terms, ThoughtCo, May 13, 2019, <https://www.thoughtco.com/what-are-kinship-terms-1691092> [dostęp: 11.07.2022].
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Teksty z wystawy: Patricia Piccinini, Jesteśmy!, kurator: M. Żydowicz, Toruń, Znaki Czasu. Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej, 29.10.2021 – 10.04.2022.
Babe, reż. Chris Noonan, Australia/USA 1995.
Lassie, USA 1954–1973.
Lassie, reż. Daniel Petrie, USA 1994.
Lassie z Malowanych Wzgórz, reż. Harold F. Kress, USA 1951.
New Lassie, USA 1989–1992.
Beethoven, reż. Brian Levant, USA 1992.
Beethoven 2, reż. Rod Daniel, USA 1993.
Madagaskar, reż. Tom McGrath/Eric Darnell, USA 2005.
Mr Popper’s Penguins, reż. Mark Waters, USA 2011.
Okja, reż. Joon-ho Bong, Korea Południowa/USA 2017.
Ratatuj, reż. Brad Bird, USA 2007.
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