About the wall which was the river. Mihály Kornis The Jewish Danube
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Jewish literature in Hungary
Mihály Kornis
Arrow Cross Party

How to Cite

Piotrowiak-Junkiert, K. (2015). About the wall which was the river. Mihály Kornis The Jewish Danube. Przestrzenie Teorii, (24), 109–123. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2015.24.6


In the first part of the article, the author presents a few crucial political and historical events which have an association with the situation of the in 1944-45 Budapest. The politics of the Arrow Cross Party, very similar to German Nazis, led to the mass execution of Jewish citizens on the Danube river. The main purpose of the article is to analyse a short story by the Hungarian writer Mihály Kornis. In The Jewish Danube he raises the thorny issue of the memory of the murdered people, and in doing so creates a blasphemous and provocative text, in which he tries to break the taboo subject of genocide.
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