The Palestinian Wall – two perspectives. Jehuda Amichai and Mahmud Darwish
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wall between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
Middle-East literature

How to Cite

Roszak, J. (2015). The Palestinian Wall – two perspectives. Jehuda Amichai and Mahmud Darwish. Przestrzenie Teorii, (24), 159–170.


The article is a reflection on the wall being built since 2002 between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The paper presents this structure, its history and how it is reflected in poetry (Yehuda Amichai and Mahmud Darwish), reportage (Raja Shehadeh) and film. Artists’ initiatives once focussed on the Berlin Wall and more recently on the initiatives related to the Palestinian wall prompt the question how the media report on the present situation of the excluded. It is worth bearing in mind that memory or post-memory of our European wall and ghettos does not shape the discourse about the Middle-East. The preferred method of talking about walls has become geocritics (based more broadly on cultural and postcolonial studies; it is significant that the foundations of the theory of postcolonialism were put forward by a Palestinian – Edward Said).
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