Teleology of authorship
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art of moving image
copyright owner
team working
movie production

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Hendrykowski, M. (2015). Teleology of authorship. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(2), 27–34.

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Authorship is not an unknown concept in the history of the Mediterranean culture. As a matter of fact the phenomenon of authorship has been present since the ancient times and is much older than its protection. An interdisciplinary dialogue about protection and codification of copyright
law began some five hundred years ago and led to an effective sustainable development in the entire Mediterranean area, playing in modern times a role of the cultural heritage. What is authorship today? Is it still a valid category? Who owns the movie rights? The essay introduces discussions on issues that are bound to engage readers attention (e.g. author’s definition, copyright owner, media production, art of moving image, team working, collective creation, attribution, etc.) and provide a stimulating new way into exploring key concepts of copyright law in film and new media.
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