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Sztompka, P. (2012). THE PARADOX OF SOCIAL JUSTICE: EQUALITY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF INEQUALITY. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(4), 239–255.

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The idea of justice has been present in social and political thought since Antiquity. It is also often to be found in common sense discourse, particularly in the context of protest, contestation and revolutionary movements inspired by the perception of injustice. But the meaning of the concept is neither obvious nor simple. The purpose of the paper is the analysis and explication of the concept of justice informed by the Aristotelian intuition of proportionality. The author distinguishes five varieties of justice and respective normative principles: distributive, communicative, retributive, transactional and attributive. In each case the demand for equality, often associated with the idea of justice, is shown to be untenable. Equality is relevant only as a meta-principle that rules the application of all five principles of justice. The proposed definition treats justice as the equality of principles generating multidimensional inequality, unavoidable and indispensable in social life.
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