The main subject of the article is a deliberation on a method (or methods) used in comparing legal systems. However, discussing the method requires first to make a reference to the jurisprudence views on the understanding of the term comparative law. The scholars’ views are divided into two groups. While by some scholars the term comparative law is considered to be a scientific method, other scholars accept it as a separate branch of law. In this article a thorough analysis of the arguments of both groups of scholars is presented. Regarding the terminological imprecision concerning ‘comparative law’, a new term: a ‘science of comparison of legal systems’ is proposed. This notion describes more precisely and more thoroughly the specific nature of a comparison of legal systems.
Further in the article, the main features of a comparative method as a research tool are discussed. The important ones include a selection of objects to be compared and an indication of the adequate legal reference systems. Those features have to be taken into account by the scholars using a comparative method in research.
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