The paper is based on research results. The aim of the paper is to examine knowledge of social entrepreneurship as a potential labour market among graduates. The article is divided into three sections. The first introduces the idea of the social economy as an element of the market economy. The second part is devoted to the presentation of the results of the authors’ own research, conducted with the use of a questionnaire among students at the University of Łodz who were in the third year of their bachelor’s degree, and students in the second year of a supplementary master’s degree in economics and non-economic subjects. The last section offers recommendations pertaining to the potential development of the social economy as a place for professional development. The results of the study and the literature review indicate poor recognition of social entrepreneurship among the respondents. Therefore, actions should be taken to supply young people with information about the opportunities available in this sector and to change the perception of the social economy as an element of the labour market and economic activity.
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