Where is sociology heading? Between autonomy, subordination and the disappearance scenario
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sociology of sociology
sociological concepts
crisis of sociology
complexity studies
Big Data
public sociology

How to Cite

Drozdowski, R. (2020). Where is sociology heading? Between autonomy, subordination and the disappearance scenario. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(4), 347–357. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2020.82.4.25

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The paper is an attempt to diagnose the condition of contemporary sociology (its weaknesses, but also its potential strengths) based on an analysis of its language. On this basis, several scenarios concerning the future of sociology are formulated. Two of them (the scenario of the literaturization of sociology and the scenario of its gradual blending with the sciences of complexity) seem to be tantamount to the gradual self-elimination of sociology. Another – the scientization of sociology and its subordination to terminological and methodological regimes much more restrictive than previous ones – appears to be a practically unrealistic scenario, taking into account the history of sociology and its theoretical and methodological pluralism. The last three scenarios mentioned in the paper: the scenario of sociology developing as a sociological theory of complexity par excellence, the scenario of sociology based on existing traces, and the scenario of animation-intervention sociology, mean that it will be forced to undergo radical change, while at the same time seeking to prolong its chances of survival to the greatest extent as a scientific discipline.

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