Choice of equivalent legal solutions in the transplantation of law
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legal transplant
comparative analyses
functional legal equivalent

How to Cite

Szymczak, I. (2015). Choice of equivalent legal solutions in the transplantation of law. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(4), 29–39.

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The purpose of this article is to present how a comparative legal research can contribute to effective transplantation of legal solutions. The first three sections clarify the notions of: ‘transplantation of law’, ‘comparative law analysis’, and ‘functional legal equivalent.’ The interdependence between those notions is also indicated. The article focuses in particular on the initial stage of a comparative study in which a comparatist lawyer chooses an equivalent legal solution. In comparative studies translations of legal terms are of major importance. A comparative translations has its own specific features. These differences are examined by comparative lawyers who then produce different theories on the subject. Their concepts are presented in section IV.2. The study also accounts for other cases affecting the result of a comparative research, and namely the absence of a functional equivalent resulting in a lack of an objective way to translate a given term.

The overall conclusion arising from the article is that a comparative translator should take into account the context and purpose of the study for which it is made, and in this way influence the outcome of the entire scientific research, affecting, in consequence, the shape of the new institution, that is a legal transplant.
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