An analysis of the notions ‘advertising’ and ‘promotion’ of gambling
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How to Cite

Skowronek, G. (2015). An analysis of the notions ‘advertising’ and ‘promotion’ of gambling. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(4), 147–159.

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This study is a thorough analysis of the notions ‘advertising’ and ‘promotion’ of gambling, as well as the notion ‘information about sponsorship.’ The key question which the author aims to answer is whether definitions of these concepts in the Polish gambling act are precise enough, or whether they should be replaced with other wording. In the course of the study the author notes that in the current definition of the advertising of gambling, the subjective elements are missing and certain formulations are vague. In view of these circumstances, the de lege ferenda postulate is to amend the existing definition.
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Ministry of Science and Higher Education



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