Survivorship bias and survivor premium of open-end funds in Poland
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survivorship bias
mutual funds

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Trzebiński, A. A. (2016). Survivorship bias and survivor premium of open-end funds in Poland. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(3), 169–187.

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Survivorship bias is the difference in returns between a portfolio composed of surviving funds and a portfolio of all funds of the period. In the literature, survivorship bias is indicated as one of the methodological errors that may affect the results and conclusions of research on the performance of investment funds. The purpose of the study conducted was to determine survivorship bias for Polish open-end investment funds in the period 2005-2015. The analysis was made on an annual basis by adopting two different approaches to active funds (operating throughout and at the end of sub-periods of research). It highlighted the factors that may affect the size of the effect of survivorship bias. The bias appeared to be very small, but this does not mean that it should be completely ignored in research. The key factors influencing its size included the change in the management of investment strategies and mergers with other funds.
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