Protecting human rights in today’s Europe
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fundamental rights
human rights
Agency for Fundamental Rights
the European Union

How to Cite

O’Flaherty, M. (2017). Protecting human rights in today’s Europe. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(1), 49–57.

Number of views: 364

Number of downloads: 387


Today, the foundations of the European system of the protection of human rights are increasingly frequently and more boldly challenged. Despite the continued efforts of the European Union in this respect, hate speech continues to be directed at various groups. Likewise, the freedom of speech which underlies the European democracy is being threatened by a trend observed in the law making, where under the pretext of ensuring the security of the citizens, preventive measures are taken to stop the media from fulfilling their social function. The rhetoric of many politicians places national security in opposition to the rights and freedoms of an individual. And yet, these two values do not exclude each other. On the contrary, they are complementary to each if only
a state is built on the rule of law, the education of a civil society is ensured and the errors of the historical past are not repeated.
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