The Pink Arche. The First Principle of the Posthuman Reality in the Anthropocene and SUPERFLEX’s "Pink Elements" as a Possible Representation of it
Okładka czasopisma Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, nr 42, rok 2022
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Innocenti, M. (2022). The Pink Arche. The First Principle of the Posthuman Reality in the Anthropocene and SUPERFLEX’s "Pink Elements" as a Possible Representation of it. Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, (42), 179–192.


This article will argue the suitability of the Pink Elements (2019) by SUPERFLEX for representing the elementary particles of our posthuman reality, intended from a cultural perspective. Firstly, it will address the ‚bit’, deemed by some as the current arche, revealing its limits in the light of the Niche Construction Theory applied to humans. Then, I will try to demonstrate that the relational dimension corresponds to reality as we perceive it after postmodernity. Therefore, I will analyse the dynamics of the human-environment relationship in the geological era called ‚Anthropocene’ by comparing Merleau-Ponty’s perception and Morton’s hyperobjects. Finally, I will give some examples of recent artworks reflecting this relationship, synthesisable as a ‚recording of a non-deciphered text’, among which the Pink Elements will stand out as bricks capable of representing the ultimate substance of reality as the posthuman culture shows it to us.
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