There are about 30 borrowings from North-German languages in Polish. They are concerned with broad cultural phenomena of these countries. Phonological analysis of loan-words from North-German languages shows that most of them entered Polish in their written form.Literaturhinweise
Awedykowa, S. (1972) Konfrontative Studien zu phonetisch-phonologischen Strukturen der polnischen und norwegischen Sprache, Poznan.
Eliasz, G. (1979) Norske läneord in polsk spräk, Unpublished M. A.
Thesis. Institute of German Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
Fisiak, J. (1968) Phonemics of English loanwords in Polish, Biuletyn Fonograficzny 9, 69-79.
Hyman, l. (1970) How concrete is phonology?, La.nguage 46. 58-76.
Linell, P. (1974) Problems of psychologioal reality in generative phonology. A critical assessment, RUUL 4 (Reports from Uppsala University Department of Linguistics nr 4