Body diversity and body positivity in picture-books
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body diversity
body positivity
body de/construction

How to Cite

Thiel , F. (2021). Body diversity and body positivity in picture-books. Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, (41), 147–168.


This article investigates current trends in the ways in which picture-books represent body diversity and body positivity. It examines how normative processes and cultural constructions of corporeality within Euro-Western society are deconstructed within and through picture-books. To this effect, this article will analyze a variety of picture-books that portray body diversity and connote the body in miscellaneous ways. The selected primary literature either foregrounds individual and cultural corporeality, explicitly and implicitly captures body diversity, or depicts female empower- ment. Additionally, the article considers nonfiction picture books which highlight that the current trend towards body diversity in the German picture-book market is a) relatively recent and b) that it has generated a veritable wave of body images.
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